Marshall Goldsmith Shows How to Plan to Create Goals

President Joe Biden recently traveled to Asia to coordinate policies on energy and other issues, to build for the future. Marshall Goldsmith talks about the importance of planning for creating goals.

Marshall Goldsmith Shows How to Plan to Create Goals
“Our time on Earth is not limitless. And it takes commitment, as well as awareness, to achieve an earned life. It’s hard work.”

Nashville, TN ( Tuesday Jul 12, 2022 @ 7:00 AM Pacific —

In a blog post about taking advantage of the time available to us, adapted from his new book The Earned Life, the renowned leadership expert and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith talks about the importance of planning for creating goals.

Goldsmith writes, “Our time on Earth is not limitless. And it takes commitment, as well as awareness, to achieve an earned life. It’s hard work. We’re human, and we deplete our resources — such as energy, motivation, concentration. When should we step on the accelerator, and when do we step back to recover and reboot, balancing the urgency to always be earning with our need to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what remains to be done? Earning your life is a long game. Actually, it’s the most important long game. You need a strategy anchored in both self-awareness and situational awareness to sustain the urgency and avoid burnout — until earning has become your habit.”

When he traveled to South Korea and Japan, President Joe Biden introduced a new Indo-Pacific Economic Framework to coordinate policies on energy, supply chains, and other issues, but without the market access or tariff reductions that powered the original partnership. A number of countries are eager for American leadership to counter Chinese economic aggression. They are building for the future.

In The Earned Life Goldsmith uncovers the source of today’s existential crises, including regrets that stem from choices that irrevocably alter our lives, reroute destinies, and haunt our memories. These are particularly timely themes today.

With Goldsmith’s book as a guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—even in a world full of inescapable unfairness and curveballs—and live an earned life that is fulfilling in the long run.

You can read Marshall Goldsmith’s blog here.


Marshall Goldsmith has been recognized for years as the world’s leading executive coach and the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Mojo, and Triggers. He received his Ph.D. from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. In his coaching practice, Goldsmith has advised more than 200 major CEOs and their management teams. He and his wife live in Nashville, Tennessee.


In THE EARNED LIFE (Currency Books), Marshall Goldsmith uncovers the source of today’s existential crisis: regret, the kind stemming from choices that irrevocably alter our lives, reroutes destinies, and haunts our memories—particularly timely themes as the pandemic and Great Resignation inspire people to seek meaning in their lives, get unstuck and make changes. With this book as their guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—even in a world full of inescapable unfairness and curveballs—and live an earned life too fulfilling to dwell on the “what ifs.”

If you’d like more information on Marshall Goldsmith, The Earned Life, and his work, please get in touch with Lyda Goldsmith.

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