Marshall Goldsmith On Why Compliance Is a Component of Discipline

Ukraine won’t comply with Russian demands to cede territory. Marshall Goldsmith talks about the nature of compliance and what it means in your personal life.

Marshall On Why Compliance Is a Component of Discipline
“You can’t count on the people issuing the orders to hold your hand to ensure compliance. You’re on your own.”

Nashville, TN ( Friday Jul 8, 2022 @ 7:00 AM Pacific —

In a blog post related to the power of compliance, adapted from his new book The Earned Life, the renowned leadership expert and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith talks about how compliance is a major component of creating discipline in your life.

Goldsmith writes, “Here’s a simple truth: You can’t count on the people issuing the orders to hold your hand to ensure compliance. You’re on your own. Nor can you count on every situation to compel compliance. When you’re faced with one of those extreme situations that threaten you with existential pain or punishment—and you recognize the seriousness of the moment— compliance should not be a challenge.”

Ukraine won’t comply with Russia. Compliance is not an option for a country that has been invaded by an aggressive neighbor. After weeks of trying to arrive at a peace deal, negotiators for Russia and Ukraine appear further apart than at any other point in the nearly three-month- long war, with the talks having collapsed in a thicket of public recriminations. Rustem Umerov, a top Ukrainian negotiator, responded by saying that Russia was operating with “fakes and lies.”

In The Earned Life Goldsmith uncovers the source of today’s existential crises, including regrets that stem from choices that irrevocably alter our lives, reroute destinies, and haunt our memories. These are particularly timely themes today.

With Goldsmith’s book as a guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—even in a world full of inescapable unfairness and curveballs—and live an earned life that is fulfilling in the long run.

You can read Marshall Goldsmith’s blog here.


Marshall Goldsmith has been recognized for years as the world’s leading executive coach and the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Mojo, and Triggers. He received his Ph.D. from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. In his coaching practice, Goldsmith has advised more than 200 major CEOs and their management teams. He and his wife live in Nashville, Tennessee.


In THE EARNED LIFE (Currency Books), Marshall Goldsmith uncovers the source of today’s existential crisis: regret, the kind stemming from choices that irrevocably alter our lives, reroutes destinies, and haunts our memories—particularly timely themes as the pandemic and Great Resignation inspire people to seek meaning in their lives, get unstuck and make changes. With this book as their guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—even in a world full of inescapable unfairness and curveballs—and live an earned life too fulfilling to dwell on the “what ifs.”

If you’d like more information on Marshall Goldsmith, The Earned Life, and his work, please get in touch with Lyda Goldsmith.

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